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Our Ministries

 And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
Luke 10:2

We at South Riverside Baptist Church believe in the Bible says about sharing the Gospel,

 How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? 
 How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!" Romans 10:14-15.

To answer this call to action, we support a variety of local, national and international ministries, all of them having the purpose of making disciples of all who will listen.

Cross Wind Camp &
Conference Center

We support the Central Region's Cross Wind Camp and Conference Center in Hesston, Kansas.  Cross Wind is a place for meditation and spiritual rejuvenation.  The Central Region holds half of its youth camps at Cross Wind during the summers.  Cross Wind is also the location of the Annual Gathering and several other conferences throughout the year.  More information can be found at

International Ministries

We not only support local ministries, we also support missionaries around the world.  Kim Brown serves in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  One of her missions is the House of Love.  Juan and Denise Aragon serve in Chiapas, Mexico.  They both work in training, prevention and education as they learn the community needs and look for ways to emotionally and economically empower leaders in their communities.

women discussion group

American Baptist Women's Ministries

American Baptist Women’s Ministries is a Christ-centered ministry with a commitment to encourage and empower women and girls to serve God.  The local group meets on 3rd Monday of each month at:

West Side Baptist Church

304 S Seneca St, Wichita, KS 67213


For more information contact Meredith Mauck


Phone: 316.250.1780

Bekah and Friends

​Bekah and Friends is an organization raising 

awareness of childhood cancer.  Their mission is:

to educate the public with facts of childhood and

ovatrian cancers; to help increase knowledge and raise awareness.  Also offering emotional support, education, and assisting families affected by both cancers in many ways.  Bekah ad Friends has several events at the church over the year.


Cub Scout Pack 635 / 

Scouts BSA Troop 635

1 Cub Scout Pack and 2 Scout Troops meet at South Riverside Baptist Church on Monday nights from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. 

Cub Scout Pack 635 is for boys and girls ages 6-1.  For more information contact Marcia Bartlett:

Scouts BSA Troop 0635 is for young men ages 11-18.  For more information contact Don Davis at

Scouts BSA Troop 1635 is for young women ages 11-18.  For more information contact Peggy Sprague at

RoboMasters Lego Robotics

Competitive LEGO Robotics team, RoboMasters, meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings from August through March.  During the summer months RoboMasters holds several week-long camps to teach children to build and program Lego Robots. 

Contact Rena Hixon at or 316.651.0054

Painting Pottery

Ceramics Group

We have a group that meets every Wednesday around 10AM to work on creating ceramic crafts.  This group has been a blessing to the Church.  They created a set of angelic candle holders that we use every Christmas season.  They also repaired and repainted our 50 year old nativity set.  If you are interested in joining this group, call the Church and leave your contact information.  We will pass it on to the group leader.

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